Patterns of World History: Combined Volume with Sources 2nd edition
Patterns of World History offers a distinct framework for understanding the global past through the study of origins, interactions, and adaptations. Authors Peter von Sivers, Charles A. Desnoyers, and George Stow--each specialists in their respective fields--examine the full range of human ingenuity over time and space in a comprehensive, even-handed, and critical fashion.
The book helps students to see and understand patterns through: ORIGINS - INTERACTIONS - ADAPTATIONS

Table of Contents

Part One: From Human Origins to Early Agricultural Centers, Prehistory-600 BCE

Chapter 1: Prehistory-10,000 BCE
Chapter 2: Agrarian-Urban Centers of the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean, 11,500-600 BCE
Chapter 3: Shifting Agrarian Centers in India, 3000-600 BCE
Chapter 4: Agrarian Centers and the Mandate of Heaven in Ancient China, 5000-481 BCE
Chapter 5: Origins Apart: The Americas and Oceania, 30,000-600 BCE

Part Two: The Age of Empires and Visionaries, 600 BCE-600 CE
Chapter 6: Chiefdoms and Early States in Africa and the Americas, 600 BCE-600 CE
Chapter 7: Persia, Greece, and Rome, 550 BCE-600 CE
Chapter 8: Empires and Visionaries in India, 600 BCE-600 CE
Chapter 9: China: Imperial Unification and Perfecting the Moral Order, 722 BCE-618 CE

Part Three: The Formation of Religious Civilizations, 600-1450 CE
Chapter10: Islamic Civilization and Byzantium, 600-1300 CE
Chapter 11: Innovation and Adaptation in the Western Christian World, 600-1450 CE
Chapter 12: Contrasting Patterns in India and China, 600-1600 CE
Chapter 13: Religious Civilizations Interacting: Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, 550-1500 CE
Chapter 14: Patterns of State Formation in Africa, 600-1450 CE
Chapter 15: The Rise of Empires in the Americas, 600-1550 CE
Chapter 16: Western European Overseas Expansion and the Ottoman-Habsburg Struggle, 1450-1650
Chapter 17: The Renaissance, New Sciences, and Religious Wars in Europe, 1450-1750
Chapter 18: New Patterns in New Worlds: Colonialism and Indigenous Responses in the Americas, 1500-1800
Chapter 19: African Kingdoms, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the Origins of Black America, 1450-1800
Chapter 20: The Mughal Empire: Muslim Rulers and Hindu Subjects,1400-1750
Chapter 21: Regulating the "Inner" and "Outer" Domains: China and Japan, 1500-1800
Chapter 22: Patterns of Nation-States and Culture in Europe and North America, 1750-1871
Chapter 23: Creoles and Caudillos: Latin America and the Caribbean in the Nineteenth Century, 1790-1917
Chapter 24: The Challenge of Modernity: East Asia, 1750-1910
Chapter 25: Adaptation and Resistance: The Ottoman and Russian Empires, 1683-1908
Chapter 26: Industrialization and Its Discontents, 1750-1914
Chapter 27: The New Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century, 1750-1914
Chapter 28: World War and Competing Visions of Modernity, 1900-1945
Chapter 29: Reconstruction, Cold War, and Decolonization, 1945-1962
Chapter 30: The End of the Cold War, Western Social Transformation, and the Developing World, 1963-1991
Chapter 31: A Fragile Capitalist-Democratic World Order, 1991-2011