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This year long course focuses on extending the scope and sequence from 5th grade science following the state frameworks by promoting solid and accurate content, frequent practice of science process skills (measuring, inferring, hypothesizing, experimenting, observing, and following directions), hands-on activities, computer labs, integration of science concepts across the curriculum, and assessments.


Ch.1 - Welcome to Class
Ch.2 - Matter and Its Changes
Ch.3 - Atoms, Elements & Periodic Table
Ch.4 - Motions & Forces
Ch.5 - Energy
Ch.6 - Electricity and Magnetism
Ch.7 - Exploring Space
Ch.8 - Solar System
Ch.9 - Rocks & Minerals
Ch.10 - Forces Shaping Earth
Ch.11 - Weathering and Erosion
Ch.12 - Cells: The Units of Life
Ch.13 - Ecology
